Did you know that most New Year’s resolutions fail? How frustrating! This newly won insight is reinforced in many articles about our impending failure being published this time of year. It instills a certain fatalism and gives us an excuse before we even begin.
The trick is to either not make any resolutions at all or to focus our attention on the attainable and on how to make it work! One thing, action, habit that can move from intention to action. This list entitled: “5 ways to make your New Years Resolutions Stick” appealed a lot to me – because it moves away from setting grand gestures to simple, achievable goals.
And this ties in nicely with my guiding motto for 2013:
Actions speak louder than words.
And my own resolution has to do – of course – with adopting a sustainable lifestyle during this transition decade.
In 2012 and prior Australians have become more and more aware of the cruel treatment of animals in factory farms and, to a lesser extend, the fact that raising animals is much more resource intensive then growing vegetables for food. Add to the list that we are fishing the oceans empty and depriving future generations of abundance and variety of fish and other wildlife.
My New Year’s Resolution is a logical consequence: not to eat factory raised meat, game and wild fish in 2013 anymore! A step up from being a part-time vegetarian and an attempt to make sense of this world and walk my talk!
Where there’s a will there’s a way!