There is a terrific group on linkedin called ‘Green’ where one member prompted the rest of us to propose the one thing that everybody could do to reduce their impact on the environment and it has turned into a long, long list. I have picked three things we can all do right now in Australia as a starting point:
- “Do as you choose as long as you do not forcibly interfere with the equal rights of others to do as they choose. In short, if someone else desires clean water, I shouldn’t pollute it because I’d force myself upon them. If I head into the mountains to hike, I shouldn’t spoil the trips of others behind me by leaving trash or spoilage. Simply, be responsible. That one thing is as green as one can get.”
- “Use contraception to reduce family size and stabilize populations”‘
- stop buying bottled water and use tap or rainwater.
Click here to check it out. In addition to interesting discussions about cultural relevance of things that everybody in the world could meaningfully do, regardless of where we live, there are more than 1800 suggestions, there is bound to be something in there that all of us can do asap. You need to be on linkedin and become a member of the group to see it though and no, Momentum doesn’t have any vested interest in linkedin!
If I head into the mountains to hike, I shouldn’t spoil the trips of others behind me by leaving trash or spoilage. If I’d like to develop property far from a city, I shouldn’t expect those in town to pay for the roads or services. My clients and I should.
Simply, be responsible. That one thing is as green as one can get.